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128 Saint Clair Avenue

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Does 128 Saint Clair Avenue have a dark past?

This listing contains user-submitted reports documenting historically significant events and personal experiences at 128 Saint Clair Avenue, Saint Clair, NSW, AU, including reports of criminal activity, homicides, deaths, famous residents, and alleged paranormal occurrences. If you have more information about this address, let us know.

reported events that occurred at 128 Saint Clair Avenue on July 20th, 2019

In a deeply unsettling and horrifying incident that sent shockwaves through Sydney, 27-year-old Jessica Camilleri was sentenced to a maximum of 21 years in prison for the brutal murder of her mother, 57-year-old Rita Camilleri, in their suburban residence on July 20, 2019. The details of the crime, presented during the trial, paint a chilling picture of the events leading to Rita Camilleri's tragic end. Armed with seven kitchen knives, Jessica unleashed a frenzied and brutal attack on her mother, inflicting over 100 savage blows that ultimately left Rita's head severed. Jessica's disturbing actions culminated in a disturbing Triple Zero call to authorities, where she described her own actions in a chillingly detached manner. The trial shed light on Jessica Camilleri's disturbing history of violent tendencies, raising questions about the broader implications of her case. Prior to the gruesome murder, she had been involved in a series of alarming incidents, including assaulting strangers by pulling their hair in public places. This erratic behavior underscored her already fragile mental state, which was compounded by autism, intellectual disability, and an "explosive" personality disorder. Justice Helen Wilson's ruling, which found Camilleri guilty of manslaughter rather than murder, was influenced by psychiatric assessments that highlighted her significant mental impairment. The decision has reignited discussions surrounding the intersection of criminal responsibility and psychological well-being. As the trial concluded, attention turned to the fate of the residence where the horrifying murder took place. The property, which was sold for $680,000, was marketed as a "rare find," obscuring its grim history behind a veneer of normalcy. This incident raises ethical considerations about the disclosure of a property's dark past and the potential consequences for unsuspecting buyers.



'A rare find': Beheading house quietly sells for $680k

A suburban house of horrors where a Sydney woman beheaded her mother and stabbed her 100 times in the face and neck has quietly sold after being advertised as 'a rare find.' Jessica Camilleri, 27, wa

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