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10 Terrible Toronto Apartments
10 Terrible Toronto Apartments

10 Terrible Toronto Apartments

If you’re looking to move to Toronto and desire a modestly priced, quality apartment in a safe neighborhood, then I would advise you to consult elsewhere. Instead, this list will provide you with the worst apartments Toronto has to offer – everything from pigeon infested units to havens for homicide.
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5 Homes from the Movies
5 Homes from the Movies

5 Homes from the Movies

Often times, we tend to enjoy movies, not for the story or the actors, but for the memorable homes featured in them. For instance, we all remember the red brick colonial Georgian house from Home Alone. You might be surprised to learn that some of the homes seen in Hollywood’s most iconic films are actually right in your neighborhood. Here are 5 memorable homes from some of your favourite films.
3 Homes with Unexpected Discoveries
unexpected discoveries
3 Homes with Unexpected Discoveries

3 Homes with Unexpected Discoveries

Have you ever moved into a property, surprised to find that the previous owner has left a possession behind? Maybe you find a hammer resting upon a shelf, a chair sitting in the corner of the basement, or even a framed picture covered in cobwebs up in the attic. Well, these aren’t the types of unexpected discoveries we’re going to be talking about here.Instead, we’d like to present you with some most bizarre home discoveries – the ones that truly test the limits of the unexpected.

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