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66 Willey Avenue

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Does 66 Willey Avenue have a dark past?

This listing contains user-submitted reports documenting historically significant events and personal experiences at 66 Willey Avenue, Liberty, NY, US, including reports of criminal activity, homicides, deaths, famous residents, and alleged paranormal occurrences. If you have more information about this address, let us know.

reported events that occurred at 66 Willey Avenue on February 16th, 2003

On Feb. 16, Amelia Vogel, 79, was stabbed to death in the bedroom of her home at 66 Willey Ave. in Liberty. Her daughter, Jessica Melchick, 45, called 911. When police arrived, she confessed to killing her mother. Jessica and her teen-age daughter at 66 Willey Ave. in Liberty. Jessica shared a room with her daughter, but the girl was at a friend’s house for the night. Because her mother’s bedroom, across the hall, had recently been repainted and her mother hadn’t slept there lately, Jessica saw no harm in playing the radio. But her mother barged in and started screaming. She told her daughter to turn the volume down. She said her daughter shouldn’t be dancing in the middle of the night, that she should be sleeping. Amelia accused Jessica of doing brujeria — or witchcraft. She said she didn’t approve of it. Jessica told her mother that she wasn’t tired and that she wasn’t doing witchcraft. Jessica went to hug her mother but Amelia pushed her away. Amelia said she wanted to go to sleep, with Jessica, and that she wanted to leave the light on. Jessica tried to kiss her. She said that she loved her. She told Amelia that Jesus loved her. Amelia said she was going to call somebody because Jessica was crazy. She didn’t like the way Jessica looked — “didn’t like the look in my eye.” Jessica asked her mother to tell her she loved her and loved Jesus, but she wouldn’t. Because the room was dark, the argument took place near the door to the hall. The argument escalated, with Jessica backing her mother across the hall and into her own bedroom. Jessica kept trying to kiss her mother. Amelia kept resisting. Jessica wrestled Amelia to the floor near the mother’s bed. The bed was covered with a plastic tarp, because of the recent paint job. On the television in a corner of the room, sat a spray can of disinfectant. A wooden sliding closet door, left off its tracks by the painter, was propped near sliding glass doors that led to the outside. Jessica was kneeling on her mother’s back, and Amelia was face down on the floor. Jessica kept asking her to say that she loved her and loved Jesus. Amelia started shouting, “Look at what your sister is doing to me, Dennis!” Dennis was Jessica’s younger brother. He was murdered in 1987 in California. Still on her mother’s back, she grabbed her mother’s bed for leverage. Jessica’s hand slid across the comforter under the tarp. She felt the scissors. Jessica grabbed them with her right hand and began stabbing her mother in the head. Jessica told her to say that God is love. Jessica told her mother she was going to die and that she should say that she loved Jesus and Jehovah. Jessica told her that she shouldn’t forget who God is. Amelia said that Jessica’s brother could see her. No, Jessica said, Dennis is dead. He couldn’t see her. As her mother struggled, Jessica stabbed her in the head, again and again. “It was difficult because she was struggling.” When Amelia was still, Jessica began to cut off her mother’s clothes — bathrobe and pajamas — so she could stab her mother’s back. Jessica got up and put a piece of furniture — a nightstand — on top of her mother, to hold her down. Then she laid the broken closet door on top of the nightstand. She cut off her mother’s undergarments and stabbed her in the groin. At some point, Jessica sprayed disinfectant on her mother’s body. Because, she said, “everything smelled.” At 5:11 a.m., Jessica stopped the stabbing and “decided” to call 911. She said she needed an ambulance for her mother. The dispatcher asked why. Jessica said that there had been a stabbing. The police and an ambulance were sent immediately.



Sullivan County Democrat: A Death in the Family

THIS IS THE house, 66 Willey Avenue in Liberty, where police found the body of 80-year-old Amelia Vogel on Sunday. By Jeanne Sager LIBERTY — February 18, 2003 – The police say it was matricide. Jes

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