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5401 Seminary Place

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Does 5401 Seminary Place have a dark past?

This listing contains user-submitted reports documenting historically significant events and personal experiences at 5401 Seminary Place, New Orleans, LA, US, including reports of criminal activity, homicides, deaths, famous residents, and alleged paranormal occurrences. If you have more information about this address, let us know.

reported events that occurred at 5401 Seminary Place on May 9th, 2009

Elderly pastor and wife shot to death at their Gentilly home would have preached the Mother's Day service at noon at the Lower 9th Ward church where he was pastor. She noticed the front door open, its hinge broken. Cassimere-Fisher said she found her mother lying on the floor close to a bedroom door. Two of them said they believe the murders are connected to another relative's plan to testify in a kidnapping and attempted-murder case. Cassimere-Fisher said someone came to the Seminary Place home recently asking whether the grandparents of the witness lived there. "It wasn't a burglary," son Olander Cassimere Jr., 53, said as he stood outside the house Sunday morning. Relatives and neighbors said the Cassimeres were devoted parents and grandparents. In 1958, the couple moved to Pontchartrain Park in Gentilly, a subdivision of single-family homes created for middle-class African-Americans in the 1950s. She preferred to stay in Dallas, where her sister lived, Cassimere-Fisher said. He retired 18 years ago, Cassimere-Fisher said. "He was a honest person, very strict, stern, but his mind and his heart were in the right place," Cassimere-Fisher said. The Cassimeres didn't smoke, drink or curse, Olander Cassimere Jr. At the time of the murder, Olander Cassimere Sr. stopped by his parents' home with barbecue and crawfish from a work picnic. She's going to love it," Cassimere-Fisher recalled saying. NOPD Homicide Detective Brian Pollard is leading the investigation.



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