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3010 Montecrest Avenue

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Does 3010 Montecrest Avenue have a dark past?

This listing contains user-submitted reports documenting historically significant events and personal experiences at 3010 Montecrest Avenue, Richmond, VA, US, including reports of criminal activity, homicides, deaths, famous residents, and alleged paranormal occurrences. If you have more information about this address, let us know.

reported events that occurred at 3010 Montecrest Avenue on April 14th, 2000

From richmondmagazine.com (May 2004 article): "Kenneth and Anjanette Murphy Date: April 14, 2000 Method: Multiple gunshots Location: 3010 Montecrest Ave. By all accounts, Kenneth and Anjanette Murphy were not the kind of people you’d expect to be at the center of a double murder. The married parents of children ages 3 and 12, the Murphys were devout churchgoers at Second Antioch Baptist Church in Powhatan. At about 12:30 a.m. on April 14, 2000, between two and five men broke down the French door of the Murphys’ quiet brick house at 3010 Montecrest Ave. near Jefferson Davis Highway in South Richmond. Anjanette, 30, was immediately shot multiple times and killed. Her husband, Kenneth, 31, came out of the downstairs back bedroom, wearing only a T-shirt and underwear, to see what was happening. He was shot at least twice in the chest. Neighbors reported seeing three men flee the scene. The Murphys’ 12-year-old daughter came downstairs from her bedroom to find her father on his knees and bleeding from the chest. The 3-year-old never awoke during the incident. After rescue workers arrived and loaded him into an ambulance, Murphy said the names of some men but didn’t say whether they were the shooters, says Richmond Police Det. Levin J. White. Kenneth Murphy later died at the hospital. One of the guns used in the murder was a handgun stolen from a Henrico County sheriff’s deputy’s car, White says. Portsmouth police later recovered the gun in 2001 when suspected drug dealers fleeing police threw it into an ice-cream cooler. Two men of interest to police in the investigation, according to an affidavit given by White supporting a search warrant filed in New Jersey, are Kenneth Murphy’s childhood friend Gregory “Craig” Denarr Mills and Mills’ brother-in-law, an internationally notorious boxing trainer named Carlos “Panama” Lewis, whose clients included former world heavyweight champ “Iron” Mike Tyson. “I do believe both of these individuals were either there or have direct knowledge or have information that can help us,” White says of Mills and Lewis. “The trainer, he’s been interviewed, and it’s been determined that he’s been less than truthful. I’m not suggesting this trainer was the shooter, but does he have knowledge? Yes, he has knowledge.” Nothing was taken from the scene of the murder, White says, and robbery was not a motive. Family members and police say that Kenneth Murphy, who worked as a truck driver for E&S Contract Carrier Inc. in South Richmond, and Mills, who at one time had a power-washing business, were close friends, and Murphy was concerned about Mills’ lifestyle and wanted him to become a churchgoing man like Murphy. Mills was charged in 1993 with a felony count of cocaine possession with intent to distribute, but he pleaded guilty to lesser charges. A year or two before the Murphys were killed, Mills introduced Kenneth Murphy to Lewis, his brother-in-law. Lewis served a year in prison in the 1980s for fixing a fight, after he removed the padding from welterweight fighter Luis Resto’s boxing gloves during a bout at Madison Square Garden. Resto’s opponent, Billy Collins Jr., was injured so badly he never fought again and died a year later, a suspected suicide. Permanently banned as a fight trainer in the U.S., Lewis took to training foreign champs and worked for Mike Tyson in recent years, though Lewis wasn’t permitted ringside at Tyson’s fights. Laura Murphy, Kenneth’s mother, says her son went to Florida in summer 1999 on a fishing trip paid for by Mills and Lewis. Even though Laura Murphy describes her son Kenneth as struggling financially, on the night of the murder, police found a brown paper bag in Kenneth Murphy’s house containing several hundred dollars. Laura says that as she was going through Kenneth’s effects she discovered receipts showing that for a couple years Kenneth had been wiring about $500 every few months to someone in Florida via Western Union on Mills’ behalf. (Mills and Lewis could not be reached for comment.) Seven hours after the murders, according to the affidavit, Mills met Lewis at Richmond International Airport, where Lewis caught a plane to Vermont and then got a ride over the border into Canada. Police say Mills, who lives in South Richmond, then stayed in a Richmond hotel for several days following the murders. Once in Canada, Lewis contacted a lawyer who called Richmond Police to tell them that Lewis had not fled the country but had traveled to Canada on business to train Canadian middleweight champ Dave Hilton Jr. On Aug. 18, 2000, Lewis showed up at Richmond Police headquarters and asked to see White. Lewis “just showed up at my office and said, ‘Here’s where I was.’ He had plane tickets, copies of his ticket stubs, and copies of receipts, not things you would typically carry around with you,” White says. In police questioning, Lewis at first denied he had ever been in the Murphys’ home, White says, but confronted with a polygraph test, he admitted that he had been in the Murphy home. Similarly, Mills initially denied to police that he knew Lewis, his own brother-in-law. Mills is no longer cooperating with police. White tried to get police in New Jersey, where Lewis was living above a boxing gym, to take Lewis’ palm prints in a search warrant to compare against prints found in the Murphy house after the murder. However, Lewis had apparently moved, and police were unable to get the prints. “This murder, it’s just a brutal, senseless killing,” White says. “We need some help from the community on this.” " richmondmagazine.com/news/cloverleaf-mall-murders-feature/ Thoughts? I stress the above article is from 2004 but the general gist of the article is probably mostly accurate today. Unfortunately, as of March 16th, 2018, this is still listed as an unsolved case on the Richmond Police Department's online unsolved homicides section: www.richmondgov.com/Police/unsolved/Murphy.aspx



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