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20 Grass Tree Close

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Does 20 Grass Tree Close have a dark past?

This listing contains user-submitted reports documenting historically significant events and personal experiences at 20 Grass Tree Close, Bridgeman Downs, QLD, AU, including reports of criminal activity, homicides, deaths, famous residents, and alleged paranormal occurrences. If you have more information about this address, let us know.

reported events that occurred at 20 Grass Tree Close on April 21st, 2003

In a horrific crime that shocked Australia, three siblings were brutally murdered in their family home in a quiet Brisbane suburb. Shirley and Vijay Singh bid farewell to their children, Neelma, Kunal, and Sidhi, as they left for a business trip to Fiji in April 2003, not knowing it would be the last time they would see them alive. When Max Sica made a distress call on April 22, 2003, he believed he had successfully evaded suspicion. Upon arriving at the two-story house in Bridgeman Downs, Brisbane, he was met with an eerie silence. Ascending the stairs, Sica informed the police that he discovered a blood trail originating from his ex-girlfriend Neelma's bedroom. In the master bedroom's ensuite bathroom, he found blankets stacked in the spa bath and water on the floor. Sica recalled lifting one of the blankets and encountering a cold, wrinkled hand, belonging to Sidhi. It was a chilling and devastating scene. Max Sica initially believed he was immune to prosecution and closely monitored the case while asserting his innocence. Over five and a half years of investigation, law enforcement authorities eliminated numerous suspects and pursued over 1,500 leads involving nearly 100 police officers. A significant breakthrough occurred when it was revealed during the trial in March 2008 that Sica had previously confessed to the murders of the Singh siblings. On January 31, 2012, the trial commenced with Sica entering a plea of not guilty. After more than 21 hours of deliberation across three and a half days, the jury returned a verdict of guilty on all three charges of murder on July 3, 2012. As a result, Sica received a life sentence with a non-parole period of 35 years. Despite the haunting memories associated with the house, the Singh family continues to reside there, where their three children tragically lost their lives 19 years ago. Shirley Singh expressed her dislike for Max Sica, while recounting the brutal nature of the crime that disfigured the victims' faces to a point where identification became challenging. In her victim impact statement, Shirley fervently prays that no other mother will be subjected to the anguish she experienced. The family endured further misfortune in 2020 when their only surviving child, Sonia, suddenly collapsed and passed away.



Murder victim asked accused Sica to bash dad, court told

A triple murder trial in Brisbane's Supreme Court yesterday heard details of an email a victim had earlier written to accused killer Max Sica. Sica, 41, has pleaded not guilty to killing his ex-girlf

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thats vile


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