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1545 Cameron Street

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Does 1545 Cameron Street have a dark past?

This listing contains user-submitted reports documenting historically significant events and personal experiences at 1545 Cameron Street, Regina, SK, CA, including reports of criminal activity, homicides, deaths, famous residents, and alleged paranormal occurrences. If you have more information about this address, let us know.

reported events that occurred at 1545 Cameron Street on June 26th, 2019

Her brother, 49-year-old Morley Dean Whitequill, has been charged with second-degree murder in her death. Police have not released any information about how she died. Morley appeared briefly at court, where he was clad in white coveralls issued by police, typically to replace clothing seized as evidence. The group of family and friends, about 15 people, made up the majority of those in the courtroom. They sat in silence with their eyes on Morley during the proceedings, and left en masse immediately after he was escorted out of the prisoner’s box and back to the holding cells. The family members declined an offer for comment, requesting privacy at this difficult time.



Regina's fifth homicide of 2019: Murder charge laid in death of woman found outside house

More than a dozen friends and family members of Janice Elaine Whitequill stood quietly on the front steps of Regina Provincial Court on Wednesday morning. Some cried silently while others embraced in

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The Crown opposed Morley’s release, and he is due back in court on the charge on July 4. Janice’s body was found outside a home on the 1500 block of Cameron Street in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Officers secured the scene and requested additional resources, including forensic identification and major crimes. Officers could be seen checking mailboxes and recycling bins in the area later that morning. In addition to conducting interviews, police also used a 3D laser scanner, typically for scene mapping. Several people were standing at the corner of 9th Avenue and Cameron Street while police were on scene. One woman, who appeared visibly upset, was comforted by another woman who hugged her. The people gathered did not wish to speak to media.


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