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1001 Ford Drive

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Does 1001 Ford Drive have a dark past?

This listing contains user-submitted reports documenting historically significant events and personal experiences at 1001 Ford Drive, Ferguson, MO, US, including reports of criminal activity, homicides, deaths, famous residents, and alleged paranormal occurrences. If you have more information about this address, let us know.

reported events that occurred at 1001 Ford Drive between 2000 - 2002

This Lady Signed a Lease and then Learned She Was Stuck Living in a Murder House Surprisingly, the story got even more fucked up when Missouri's tenant laws came into play. He committed all of the murders, and the torture sessions that preceded them, in the basement of what was at the time his house. Apparently enthralled by media coverage of his crimes, he mailed a printout of an internet map to a journalist with an "X" drawn on it where a missing prostitute's skeleton could be found. Since McGhaw got the news after a few months of living in the murder house, she had to go back and retroactively re-process every memory she had created there. She says at one point a two-year-old relative was down in the former torture chamber playing games, and as she neared the pole that, as McGhaw would later learn, Travis had used to tie up his victims, the little girl started crying. McGhaw called her landlady to complain and announce her intention to move out. Much in the same way that there's no rule that says a dog can't play basketball, there's nothing in Missouri tenant law that says you have to inform a tenant that they're moving into a murder house. But the major difference was that the guy renting the place out was trying to put it on Airbnb, and rent it out to vacationers, instead of leasing it. But we all have friends and loved ones who enjoy trivializing murder victims and reading all the horrifying details. Take as an example the Villisca Murder House in Villisca, Iowa, where the grisly ax murder of an entire family and two guests took place. Granted, the Villisca murders happened 100 years ago, but what difference does it make? The Missouri Housing Authority apparently considers the Travis murders to be on the overly recent side of that line, because they've just given McGhaw special dispensation to break her lease. If the example of Slender Man is to be believed, this legend will spread. Follow him on Twitter.



This Lady Signed a Lease and then Learned She Was Stuck Living in a Murder House

All screencaps via the St. Louis ABC News Affiliate where the story originally broke A woman in suburban St. Louis recently got fucked over by her landlady. Shortly after moving into the house at 100

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