Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where do we get our information from?
  2. I can't find a specific address!
  3. Do I have to pay to find an address? Will I be able to find more information about a house by becoming a VIP?
  4. How can I help support the website?
  5. I found a mistake!
  6. How do I submit an address?
  7. How does Housecreep verify the accuracy of crowdsourced information?
  8. What types of posts do you remove from Housecreep?
  9. A crime occurred at my address, but I don't want anyone else to know about it.
  10. How do I delete my account?
  11. How do I cancel my VIP membership?
  12. How can I get a refund for my VIP membership subscription?
  13. I have more questions!

Where do we get our information from?

The information is gathered from online articles, old newspaper clippings, death certificates, public records, and first-hand accounts. The addresses are submitted by members of the Housecreep community. Anyone is free to join and submit information to be published in our directory.

I can't find a specific address!

Although our vault contains thousands of addresses with new listings added daily, you won't find every house listed here. Housecreep relies on the information submitted to us by visitors of the website, so as more people discover Housecreep, the bigger our directory becomes. Tell your friends!

Do I have to pay to find an address? Will I be able to find more information about a house by becoming a VIP?

No. None of the information regarding houses or properties is behind a paywall or VIP membership. Free members have access to the same information as our VIPs. However, VIP members receive added features and perks that make it faster and easier to search the website. To learn more about VIP benefits, please see our VIP page. Housecreep remains committed to keeping the website free-to-access forever. VIP memberships help support us in our mission.

How can I help support the website?

There a number of ways you can show your support. 1) You can become a VIP patreon 2) You can submit information about addresses that should be listed on Housecreep by filling out this form 3) You can help us keep the information on Housecreep accurate by submitting corrections 4) You can tell your friends about us or share us on your socials. Since all the info on Housecreep is crowdsourced, more traffic means more addresses will be added to our archives.

I found a mistake!

If you find an error in one of the address reports listed on the website, you can let us know about it by tapping Problem at the bottom of any user-submitted address report. A form will pop-up allowing you to report the issue to our community to review.

How do I submit an address?

You can submit addresses to our directory by filling out this form.

How does Housecreep verify the accuracy of crowdsourced information?

We encourage our members to attach at least one source (news articles, scanned documents, images) for posts that make verifiable claims (i.e. murder, former grow op etc.). We are always reviewing the posts made to Housecreep to ensure that inaccurate information is removed or corrected. Anyone can report an issue with a user-submitted address report to alert our community moderators.

Some types of posts cannot be verified, such as those that claim paranormal activity, or consist solely of first-hand experiences.

Please remember, that while we take great care in moderating and fact-checking the information posted on our website, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of user-submitted reports. We encourage you to do your own independent research before acting on any claims posted to our website.

What types of posts do you remove from Housecreep?

We remove address reports that make false claims, contain libelous content, or violate the privacy of a current occupant by publishing their personal information. In cases where a former grow op or neglected property has been remediated, we encourage the home owner to submit an address report detailing that the home has been remediated.

A crime occurred at my address, but I don't want anyone else to know about it.

Our mission is to promote full disclosure in the real estate industry, so that renters and buyers can make fully informed decisions. We recognize that some individuals might prefer to keep this information concealed for various reasons; however, it is important to note that requests and/or threats to remove verifiable submissions will not be entertained. Most information submitted to us is already in the public domain and the website simply aggregates it. Our website provides an open platform for people to submit historical information about a home or property.

Occasionally, we are contacted by concerned parents/guardians who live in a stigmatized home, and don't want their children to find this information. While we sympathize with this situation, we cannot remove listings from the website for this reason. We encourage you to consider blocking Housecreep from your child’s computer or mobile device.

How do I delete my account?

You can delete your account in your account settings. Caution! Deleted accounts cannot be recovered. Any reports made with your account will remain on the website, but will no longer be attributed to your account. If you are subscribed to a paid membership, please make sure to cancel it before deleting your account.

How do I cancel my VIP membership?

You can cancel your VIP membership by logging in to your account, going to your account settings → Billing Portal → Enter Password → Cancel

How can I get a refund for my VIP membership subscription?

Our VIP memberships are non-refundable. However, we understand that there may be exceptional circumstances. If you believe your situation warrants a refund, please contact us with details regarding your request. It's important to note that we do not guarantee the discovery of specific information through our platform, and this is not considered a valid reason for a refund. Our VIP membership provides access to enhanced features that facilitate easier and faster searching of our database, rather than granting access to additional information not available for free on our website.

I have more questions!

If you're looking for help on how to use the website, please check out our series of how-to and other support-related articles on our blog. You can also check out our community support page to see if your question has been answered, and if not, submit a new issue to the community.

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Disclaimer & Privacy:

Although we do our best to fact-check the user-submitted reports in our database, we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Most of the addresses published on this website are private dwellings, so please do not attempt to visit them. The primary purpose of this website is to promote disclosure in the real estate industry and to serve as an informational resource. Please see our FAQ for more info.

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